'Live At Last' Birmingham UK....
***We purchase our tickets months in advance, days leading up to the event seem to drag then two minutes before the one and only Anastacia comes on stage the adrenalin starts pumping (and that's just me) lights go out the band start to play and boom a twenty foot Anastacia appears on the TV screens above you. The crowd reacts immediately, cheering, whistling, clapping and the firsts bars of 'Seasons Change' form a chain and burst out around the arena officially confirming the arrival of Anastacia to the UK. Not a single seat available in the arena and not a single arse on a seat as the crowd stand for a concert which will last just under two hours.

***We purchase our tickets months in advance, days leading up to the event seem to drag then two minutes before the one and only Anastacia comes on stage the adrenalin starts pumping (and that's just me) lights go out the band start to play and boom a twenty foot Anastacia appears on the TV screens above you. The crowd reacts immediately, cheering, whistling, clapping and the firsts bars of 'Seasons Change' form a chain and burst out around the arena officially confirming the arrival of Anastacia to the UK. Not a single seat available in the arena and not a single arse on a seat as the crowd stand for a concert which will last just under two hours.
Anastacia being born to be on stage is a freaking understatement and sitting up front the full effect of Anastacia is a powerful one as the bass, drums vibrate deep in your chest, Anastacia struts her funky stuff on stage singing every single note 'live' backed up by two backing singers and four incredible dancers. In all Anastacia changes five times during the concert, at one point she even disappears one moment to reappear at the back of the arena on a smaller stage and as she performs she slowly walks down amongst the audience.
Each night of the tour has an Anastacia idol, where two extremely lucky competition winners get the chance to sing live with Anastacia in front of a sell out crowd competing for a Anastacia style prize, the Birmingham round turned out amazingly to be a draw as the crowd to Anastacias explanation of ''this is a competition you know'' refused to part the winners leaving Anastacia to confirm a draw.

Each night of the tour has an Anastacia idol, where two extremely lucky competition winners get the chance to sing live with Anastacia in front of a sell out crowd competing for a Anastacia style prize, the Birmingham round turned out amazingly to be a draw as the crowd to Anastacias explanation of ''this is a competition you know'' refused to part the winners leaving Anastacia to confirm a draw.
Anastacia also spoke infatically about children being our future and sang a very heartfelt 'I Do' she also replayed the African pray in which herself and dancers bowed down to the reading which appeared on the big stage screens read by the same young man from the 46664 concert last year, highlighting the need to unite and fight the war against HIV and AIDS, a barrel declaring 'no war' was brought on stage during 'left outside alone,' to which Anastacia at the end of the song pointed to and said thats what she believes in.
The audience was also treated to aerial acrobatics, a masked stilt walker, breakdancing and ballet dancers and Anastacia herself doing the salsa. Before performing Heavy on my heart she said how the song was written about her cancer making the performance of it even more emotional for herself and the audience who clapped, cheered to the extreme as Anastacia started singing the first bars of it and especially as the song ended.
'You never be alone' was dedicated to all her fans who helped her get through ''one of the most difficult years of my life'', but with all the emotion of thankyous and no war slogans Anastacias strong personality shone through warming everyone present to her. 'I'm now going to sing something really low, you might not hear it' says Anastacia, of course this is a lie, yes people Anastacia tells fibs as she then starts singing extremely high and loud threatening to burst ear drums and rattle spectacles loose from faces, the crowd though did not disapprove and loved every minute shown by thier enthusiastic applause.

'You never be alone' was dedicated to all her fans who helped her get through ''one of the most difficult years of my life'', but with all the emotion of thankyous and no war slogans Anastacias strong personality shone through warming everyone present to her. 'I'm now going to sing something really low, you might not hear it' says Anastacia, of course this is a lie, yes people Anastacia tells fibs as she then starts singing extremely high and loud threatening to burst ear drums and rattle spectacles loose from faces, the crowd though did not disapprove and loved every minute shown by thier enthusiastic applause.
And as it nears nearly two hours of Anastacia performing on stage the band exit the stage the lights stay off the crowd refuses to go quiet but of course the first bars of Anastacias first hit start being played, an encore of 'I'm outta luv' ensues and not one person in the arena can refuse to dance. In all Anastacia performed outstandingly, after four years she has embarked on her own first European Tour and to say it has been a success is untrue is has been astonishingly suscessful and you can tell this simply by how Anastacia stands proudly on stage and does not faulter once. In my opinion Anastacia is one of the most talented musicians ever, as her musical range is massive, her will is strong, she captures everyone with that fabulous smile of hers and infectious personality.
So now after experiencing Anastacias first leg of the live at last tour, its been officially annouced that Anastacia is set to do a repeat performance, and yes if I'm lucky enough i shall go again, and again and...
keep sprockin' for ever. 3rd/11/04.
(more pictures in the Anastacia Gallery)